There were some interesting things happening in town today, I think.
The first thing is that Pietro came to tell me he'd be moving out on the 10th. I have to say, I'm honestly kind of relieved. A guy who spends every waking moment in clown makeup is just kind of creepy. I was never able to get all that close to Pietro, as I seriously felt creeped out any time I spent time with him. While it's a bit horrible of me to say about a resident of my town, I'm happy to see him go.
Some of the forgeries were pretty subtle, but some were painfully obvious. Only one of the paintings he had brought along this week seemed to be genuine. I'm starting to think not even Redd really knows (or cares) which works of art are real or fakes. He didn't seem hesitant at all to sell the real painting to me, just in making money. I feel bad for any towns he visits that don't have an instructor as good as Blathers is. While I know I have a lot left to learn about art, I'm fairly confident that when I take the painting to Blathers tomorrow, he'll approve its authenticity.
The rain was a mild annoyance, but Brewster's new offer of coffee to go helped a lot throughout the day. Being able to drink a hot, flavorful coffee does a lot to fight off the chill of the rain.
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