Today was by far the most uneventful day I've had since I moved to town. I'm honestly a bit lost for words on what to even write about. Nookling Junction was closed as advertised, the furious sounds of construction behind its protective tarp. The store that had started construction yesterday was still a work in progress, so I still have a bit of a wait on my hands to see what's up with that.

I had no real work to do today, so I spent most of it just trying to relax. I went fishing, caught a few insects, did a little gardening. Mostly just busywork, because after so many hectic days, I just felt kind of lost with nothing to do. Luckily, Isabelle told me that there was a big event tomorrow--it was the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, and we'd be hosting a festival in the town square. After today, I'd be thankful for the work, because it was kind of hard not to go crazy from boredom.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more inspiring.
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